China has made a significant breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology, achieving record temperatures in its EAST experiment, ...
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear fission reactors in which either the fuel and/or the coolant is a molten salt. Molten salt is salt which liquifies at elevated temperatures and can store ...
Scientists at the United States Idaho National Laboratory (INL) are carrying out tests for ‘fusion blanket’ technologies to ...
These centres are called nuclei. Nuclear energy is released, ultimately as heat, by nuclear fission, which is the process of splitting the nuclei of specific materials. The most commonly used material ...
as both technologies will require emergency core-cooling systems to remove decay heat from the fission process should there be a 'loss of coolant' accident. In other words, if producing ...
Siemens Energy will be the sole supplier of steam turbines, generators and other auxiliary systems for Rolls Royce's future ...
Gene regulation underpins nearly every biological process—from cell development to responses to environmental changes, and ...
Although to most the term ‘fission reactor’ brings to mind something ... MSRE plant diagram: (1) Reactor vessel, (2) Heat exchanger, (3) Fuel pump, (4) Freeze flange, (5) Thermal shield ...