New nuclear power production capacity is not commercially viable to build for now, based on the current Nordic power market ...
The price of electricity in Finland was the third-lowest in Europe last year, according to trade association Finnish Energy.
Finnish energy company Fortum has completed a feasibility study investigating the prospects of constructing a new NPP in ...
Finland’s Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) plans to build two safety test facilities for small modular ...
Finnish utility Fortum has selected two large reactor vendors plus one small modular reactor vendor to continue discussions ...
Finland's low electricity prices are attracting interest from both energy-intensive industries and data centers, which in ...
Fortum, a Finnish utility, said Monday that it would focus on renewable energy sources and nuclear life extension to meet the growing demand for electricity.
The state-majority-owned utility published the results of a two-year study examining the prospects for nuclear energy in the region. The study concluded that new nuclear capacity is commercially ...