Bernard Law Montgomery was born on 17 November 1887 ... Montgomery bitterly resented this, although he was promoted to field marshal by way of compensation. His arrogance and reluctance to ...
In September 1944, Montgomery was made a field marshal — the highest rank in the British Army. The war was not all victories for Montgomery, however. He suffered his worst defeat in battle ...
In 1946 Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery toured the United States. Everywhere he went he received a friendly reception, while hobnobbing with local prominenti and touring the more notable sights.
His name was General Bernard Montgomery who history would know simply as Monty. But Monty’s story extends beyond this one battlefield and in this episode, we are going to explore more of the man who ...
The Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band has had a fantastic season so far, winning the Scottish, British, All-Ireland, and European Championships in an undefeated run of 2009 major wins.
The usually cautious British field marshal Bernard Montgomery convinced the Supreme Allied Commander, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, to gamble on opening the road to Berlin by bypassing the fortified ...