While the sale of ivory products was banned in 2017, the rising young and wealthy generation recognizes the appeal of ivory as a status symbol. Can An Elephant Survive Having Its Tusks Removed?
Nearly every African country with elephant populations has been hit ... which has the authority to make decisions regarding the legalization of ivory and other wildlife products. The proposal drew a ...
The transnational trade of modern ivory is banned in a bid to protect elephants, but the trade of ancient mammoth tusks is not. However, telling the difference between illegal elephant ivory and ...
A. it causes very little damage to ivory products. B. it measures isotopes that help researchers to make a clear distinction between elephant and mammoth products. C. it is readily available in ...
According to IFAW figures, the demand for ivory products is so great that more ... EBay announced a ban on cross-border trade in elephant ivory in 2007, meaning that sales across country lines ...
WWF and TRAFFIC urge consumers to stop purchasing ivory products as a way of aiding elephant conservation efforts. “This remarkable ivory destruction should be followed up by actions which ensure that ...
The ivory is often carved into ornaments and jewellery, which are sold mostly in Asia. The mainland is the biggest market for such products. Sunday is World Elephant Day, so Young Post talked ...
Retailers generally displayed ivory and other elephant parts quite openly and rarely hesitated ... captive elephants and also enforce laws to stop illegal trade in wildlife products.” Both Thailand ...