Every electoral bond has a special number linking the buyer and the party cashing it ... and MKJ Enterprises and Avees Trading at Rs 46 crore each. For Congress, Vedanta Ltd. was the highest ...
remained silent on whether a unique code on each electoral bond that could be used to match each donation to the party that received it was part of the data it submitted to the Election Commission ...
The bonds allow corporations and individuals to anonymously donate money to political parties by purchasing electoral bonds from ... Figuring out how much each company had donated using this ...
Furthermore, to prevent untraceable cash transactions, donations above ₹2,000 must be received through banking channels, including electronic transfers or electoral bonds. The party must also ...
New Delhi, About 82 per cent of the total income from unknown sources declared by national political parties in 2022-23 came from electoral bonds, according to a poll rights body. The Association ...
Electoral bonds have been mentioned in the new Income Tax Bill's Schedule VIII which deals with 'Income not to be included in the total income of political parties and electoral trusts'.
Electoral bonds have been pitched as an alternative to cash donations made to political parties as part of efforts to bring transparency to political funding. State Bank of India (SBI), in the ...
Electoral bonds worth over Rs 5,800 crore were bought by donors to fund political parties between March 1, 2018 and May 10, 2019, a Right to Information reply has said. Seventy-six percent of ...
The recent amendment to the Electoral Bond Scheme ... Finance Ministry had stated that electoral bonds would be available for a period of 10 days each in January, April, July and October, as ...
As the rules stand today, India’s politicians can misuse the electoral bonds in two ways. Political parties can create shell companies to launder money The EC feels that the scheme has ...
Electoral bonds have been mentioned in the new Income Tax Bill's Schedule VIII which deals with 'Income not to be included in the total income of political parties and electoral trusts'. In a ...