There are some older aircraft designs that saw the pilots ... When the pilot or co-pilot initiate the ejection system, explosive bolts holding the contra-rotating blades to the fuselage release ...
The case of the V-Bombers highlighted just how much ejector seats had changed military aviation. Pilots had grown to expect a high-tech escape system to evacuate their aircraft in a crisis.
But there comes a time when, no matter how advanced the defensive systems ... Ejection Seat (ACES) first came to be in the 1970s, and it is currently used in a large number of military aircraft ...
In 1944 the firm was approached by the Ministry of Defence and asked to investigate ejection systems for high-speed fighter aircraft, a task made all the more poignant by Captain Baker's own death ...
When a plane goes down, an ejection seat ... else in an aircraft fails. It is their last chance at survival, and their lives rest on the hands of aircrew egress system specialists.
This article investigates Britain's first jet fighter. Also, a member of an RAF unit that worked on the Meteor tells about a ...
In 1944 the firm was approached by the Ministry of Defence and asked to investigate ejection systems for high-speed fighter aircraft, a task made all the more poignant by Captain Baker's own death ...