The identity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's anchor being remains a mystery, but their identity could be revealed in ...
Who Edits What at Marvel Comics? Let's break it all down, courtesy of X-Men Group Editor, SVP and Executive Editor, Tom ...
Under the Marvel Knights banner, co-founded by Joe Quesada, and which hired Christopher Priest to revamp Black Panther into ...
In 1998, the Christopher Priest-penned Black Panther comic launched alongside three other books under the Marvel Knights ...
The World to Come, a six-issue comic book series set in the future of the Marvel Universe and told through the Marvel Knights ...
For the first time in over two decades, Marvel and DC are joining forces again. After years of speculation and a long history ...
If Marvel really wants to fix their Spider-Man problem, they need to fully commit to the idea of a fresh start.
And that Ultimate Universe informed not just the MCU, but all Marvel movies, period. In 2000, after 40 years of entangled continuity, new Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada realized they had to ...
DC and Marvel have announced that their comics will work together as part ... California on Friday (21 February), DC’s editor-in-chief Marie Javins and Marvel’s editor-in-chief CB Cebulski ...