With a whopping total of 274 moons, researchers say Saturn’s tug of war with Jupiter for the title is settled once and for ...
A UK startup has unveiled a new fusion-powered space rocket concept called Sunbird for interplanetary travel to Mars — and ...
You thought Saturn's 146 moons were impressive? Think again. The ringed planet's moon count has nearly doubled with the ...
A theory involving a "mushy zone" of ice along the moon’s fissures could explain the enormous plumes erupting from its south ...
NASA launched its new Saturn IB rocket on its first test flight. Also known as the Uprated Saturn I, the Saturn IB was built for the Apollo program. With a more powerful upper stage, it was designed ...
Saturn is 10 times farther from the Sun than Earth. So, as seen from Saturn, Earth is always nearly in the same direction as the Sun, within about 6°. As a result, the bright face of the rings ...