The church opposes ā€œthe ideology that usually accompanies so many sex-change decisions,ā€ which Cardinal Víctor Manuel ...
Bishop Robert Barron of the Diocese of Winonaā€“Rochester said the Catholic Church's release of Dignitas infinita shows "how ...
En las últimas décadas, en Argentina se acentuó el debate sobre la ideología de género y la llamada "cultura woke" .
The Vatican has released a document criticizing gender theory, transgender surgery, and surrogacy as affronts to human dignity. Dignitas Infinita, Latin for "Infinite Dignity," was released on ...
Participarán la doctora Paola Delbosco, el Pbro. Juan José Sanguineti y el Dr. Fernando Toller. La declaración Dignitas infinita, sobre la dignidad humana, fue presentado en la ciudad del Vaticano el ...
presented a paper offering "some clarifications" regarding the meaning of the April 2024 document "Dignitas Infinita" during a conference organized by Germany's Cologne University of Catholic ...
The infinite and inalienable dignity inherent in every human being has practical consequences which include protecting everyone's right to life from conception to a natural end a ...
El Instituto para el Matrimonio y la Familia de Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) desarrollará el lunes 27 de mayo de 2024 a las 18.30, de modo virtual, el ciclo de formación ā€˜Dignitas Infinitaā€™, ...
presented a paper offering "some clarifications" regarding the meaning of the April 2024 document "Dignitas Infinita" during a conference organized by Germany's Cologne University of Catholic ...
ā€œIf you are not challenged somewhere in your own moral thinking by reading [ā€œDignitas Infinitaā€], then you most likely have not read it thoroughly enough,ā€ wrote Sam Sawyer, S.J., America ...
Week 2 of the Nexon Invitational Super Match has concluded, Speed Gaming and Team Dignitas take home $10,000 each after coming in 3-1. Facing each other off for a shot at the top prize of $15,000, ...
La reciente declaración "Dignitas Infinita" del Dicasterio para la Doctrina de la Fe (2024) ofrece una nueva perspectiva sobre la dignidad humana, que ilumina la comprensión de estos temas.