Adorable and intelligent, these little critters can be seen across the internet in images and videos sharing cute and touching moments with their owners. But what is it really like to own a raccoon as ...
With their mischievous little hands and masked faces, raccoons are quite fascinating mammals to some. Perhaps you've wondered ...
It sounds like something out of a Disney princess movie — a girl, who also loved nursing baby rodents back to life, walking her pet raccoon down a city street. But that was life for young ...
A captured raccoon dog should have been taken to a sanctuary not killed, a wildlife organisation has said. BeastWatch UK said it was "avoidably destroyed" as it could have helped with "access to ...
The cute videos and images show the fun, adorable side, and they aren’t recording when things get rough. In short, can you keep a raccoon as a pet? Possibly. But should you? That answer requires ...
Dan Zarlenga, an MDC media specialist in the St. Louis region, also shared this statement: “Beyond any legal concerns, wild animals like raccoons do not make good pets. While cute and cuddly ...
Dan Zarlenga, a MDC media specialist in the St. Louis region, also shared this statement: “Beyond any legal concerns, wild animals like raccoons do not make good pets. While cute and cuddly ...