People have, for a long, laid on their backs and pointed at the starry sky, wondering how far these twinkling luminaries are. Measuring cosmic distances has been a point of scientific curiosity ...
Most people haven't witnessed a true night sky. They may have seen photos of starry skies full of cosmic light, but in person, they only see sprinklings of stars and the moon on a clear night.
Gravitational lensing often evokes images of a cosmic funhouse mirror: duplicated galaxies, dramatic arcs and distorted shapes. But the web-like, large-scale structure throughout the universe also ...
Night sky heritage and folklore like this is integral to “how our communities and societies have evolved,” says Oakley. “People can stand under a starry sky, look up, and have the same ...
Come up the mountain for an evening of cosmic wonders at Starry Nights, where the universe comes alive in every clear Friday night sky! Click below to join the Starry Nights mailing list, for updates ...
Don Pettit’s been snapping away in orbit again. This time, the NASA astronaut has captured a stunning image of the Milky Way from the International Space Station (ISS) . It also features Earth ...
Quipu, named after the Incan system of knotted cords used for recording information, spans an astonishing 1.3 billion light-years-a distance over 13,000 times the length of the Milky Way.
Domestic airline company Star Flyer Inc. offered a night flight complete with planetarium equipment projecting an awe-inspiring starry sky inside the cabin. Ninety-six lucky passengers were ...