This page contains basic guidelines and rules to help ensure the safe handling and storage of compressed gas cylinders ... and protective valve caps in place before cylinders are moved. Use a cylinder ...
Ensure that cylinder straps are secure on the cart if provided. Use a cylinder cart! Cylinders of compressed gases pose a significant hazard if the valve is damaged or broken off, and they must be ...
Very small cylinders such as "lecture bottles" do not need to be chained to a cart. Instead use secondary containment and disconnect the pressure regulators. Keep compressed gas cylinders secured to ...
Compressed gas cylinders of all shapes and sizes are used all over campus for everything from welding to research. Compressed gas cylinders pose two types of risks when used, stored, or handled. The ...
Los Angeles firefighters had their work cut out for them Wednesday when a trash truck with compressed gas cylinders caught fire. From a distance, firefighters trained a stream to keep the ...
Emergency crews were called to the Sawtelle neighborhood on Los Angeles’ Westside after a trash truck with compressed gas cylinders caught fire Wednesday morning. The incident was reported ...