The funding formula for cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania, developed in 2002, is facing criticism for being outdated and ...
Commonwealth Charter Academy, which enrolled more than 23,000 students in 2023-24, has grown rapidly in recent years. (In his statement Monday, Eller said the school now enrolls 33,000.) ...
But his office’s audit didn’t pin the blame on the five cyber charters — Commonwealth Charter Academy, Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School, Insight PA Cyber Charter School, Pennsylvania Cyber ...
Commonwealth Charter Academy, the state’s largest cyber charter operator, also spent $196 million to buy, renovate, or do both to 21 buildings over the period of the audit. In his news ...
Commonwealth Charter Academy, the state’s largest cyber charter operator, also spent $196 million to buy, renovate, or do both to 21 buildings over the period of the audit. In his news ...
Wednesday’s audit found the charters — Commonwealth Charter Academy, Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School, Insight PA, PA Cyber, and Reach Cyber Charter School — held in their fund ...
including Commonwealth Charter Academy, which has a location in Allentown. He found that from 2020 to 2023, the schools raked in more money due to the COVID pandemic, but that their increased ...
The five schools audited were Commonwealth Charter Academy, Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School, Insight PA Cyber Charter School, Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School, and Reach Cyber Charter School.
Commonwealth Charter Academy, the state’s largest cybercharter operator, also spent $196 million to buy, renovate or do both to 21 buildings over the period of the audit. In his news conference ...
But his office’s audit didn’t pin the blame on the five cyber charters — Commonwealth Charter Academy, Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School, Insight PA Cyber Charter School, Pennsylvania ...
Along with spending on things like gift cards and bonuses, there were also much bigger outlays. Commonwealth Charter Academy, the state’s largest cyber charter operator, also spent $196 million to buy ...