When cleaning lighter-colored carpets with hydrogen peroxide, stick with a concentration that is no higher than 3%. This will minimize the risk of any bleaching. Combine the hydrogen peroxide with ...
Zach Pozniak exclusively told House Digest, "Hydrogen peroxide acts as a form of oxygen bleach, which is color-safe and ...
Dealing with major carpet stains can feel daunting. Fortunately, with the right techniques and tools, you can tackle even the ...
Scientists from Korea have developed a new carbon-based catalyst that promises to make hydrogen peroxide production more ...
Hydrogen peroxide is one of the world's top 100 industrial chemicals with a wide range of applications in the chemical, ...
Hydrogen peroxide is a common ingredient in eardrops that can help remove earwax by adding oxygen to the wax, causing it to bubble and soften. Earwax is a waxy substance secreted in the ear canal.
Some chemical reactions change temperature, change color, produce a gas, or make a solid from two liquids. Try this reaction and see what it does! Pour 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide into a cup.