For water at room temperature, this angle is 41º. In a water Cherenkov detector, the Cherenkov radiation is detected, usually by photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), and the cone of emission reconstructed.
While these sorts of muon detectors are expensive ... it actually makes the operation much simpler, thanks to Cherenkov radiation. The speed of light in a vacuum is the absolute speed limit ...
This creates a flash of light called Cherenkov radiation, which is essentially the electromagnetic version of a sonic boom. Sensitive detectors lining the inside of the tanks pick up these flashes ...
Neutrinos may be the key to quantum gravity, potentially leading to a unified theory combining quantum mechanics and general relativity.
At the start of the year, the European Commission established the Cherenkov Telescope Array ... an unprecedented view of the mysterious radiation he's spent his career studying.
KM3NeT (short for the Cubic Kilometer Neutrino Telescope) is a detector spanning a cubic ... await the faintest flash of blue light, called Cherenkov radiation. This blue glow is emitted when ...
releasing faster-than-light particles and so causing a faint blue flash — the eerie Cherenkov radiation seen in nuclear reactor pools. However, detecting the flash and converting it into a ...