In 1994, the federal government passed a law that effectively banned the manufacture or sale of assault-style weapons for ...
In this regard, the SAW filled the void created by the retirement of the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) during the 1950s because interim automatic weapons (e.g. M-14E2/M16A1) had failed as viable ...
Can this souped-up .45-caliber pistol round generate 10mm Auto like levels of performance? And from a nearly stock .45 ACP ...
There is no denying that John Browning was among the most prolific gun designers of the nineteenth- and twentieth-centuries and ...
The Browning M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun, Heavy barrel is an automatic, recoil operated, air-cooled machine gun with adjustable headspace and is crew transportable with limited amounts of ...
John Browning's Remington Model 8 earns the distinction of being the first proven semi-automatic rifle and was noted for being reliable and accurate. Yet, the Model 8 was also complex in design ...