LISTER, mounted below Blue Ghost’s lower deck, measures the flow of heat from the moon's interior with a sophisticated ...
Firefly’s Blue Ghost marks a new era in commercial space, proving private industry’s role in space exploration and ...
But the Apollo project required a number of more advanced achievements before a lunar landing was feasible: astronauts had to show they could survive in space long enough to journey to the moon ...
During its descent, Luna-25 experienced an anomaly that caused it to impact the surface of the Moon on Aug. 19 (2023)." In ...
For that reason, NASA made photography a high priority during the Apollo missions, redesigning cameras that could operate in the punishing environment of space and inventing ultra-thin film that ...
"This amazing, immersive experience documents the U.S. space program with NASA from Apollo through the Artemis program." "This film will become available to the public [Feb. 14], and it will be ...