John Young piloted the command module. Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov remembered ... Ron Evans and Harrison Schmitt of Apollo 17 traveled ever farther and collected more moon rocks on their missions.
"We leave as we came... with peace and hope for all mankind," Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan said as he took man's last steps on the moon. It's been 45 years since the launch of Apollo 17, the ...
Both the Apollo Command Module (CM) and Lunar Module (LM) were humankind’s first fly-by-wire aircraft. This means that the human does not actually fly it manually by stick, the computer is the ...
In 1972, Apollo 17 landed on the moon. It was the final Apollo lunar landing. Ron Evans was the command module pilot and Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt walked on the surface during the mission.
On August 25th, 1966, an Apollo Command Module was launched aboard a Saturn IB rocket in mission AS-202. This mission was intended to immediately precede the ill-fated Apollo 1 mission ...