<!-- wp:gutenberg-custom-blocks/featured-media {"id":2997543,"url":"https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/apollo-11-moon-landing-buzz-aldrin-neil-armstrong ...
How the Common Cold Affected the Crew of Apollo 7 (03:32) Apollo 13's Intense Comms Blackout (03:47) A Moon Sample Reveals a Surprising Link to Earth (02:04) The Design of the Lunar Rover Was ...
The first manned mission to the moon, Apollo 11, launched on July 16, 1969. The crew of NASA's Apollo 11 mission, from left, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Michael Collins, and Neil Armstrong, pose with a ...
CAPE KENNEDY, Fla., July 14, 1969 (UPI) -Launch crews, undismayed by an apparent Soviet gamble to upstage them, turned on Apollo 11's vital generators today and rolled toward Wednesday's start of ...
Neil Armstrong was appreciative, but it was too late. The Apollo 11 crew had a design for the first moon landing. Armstrong's ...
Apollo 11 Launch: Photographed (03:51) The Freedom Riders History (05:04) Civil War (Joan Baez), With Dance Performance By Djassi Johnson and Kevin Boseman (04:23) 3D Preview of Petra by Virtual ...