"Ukrainian forces succeeded in shooting down a Russian maneuvering missile using the anti-aircraft gun ZU-32-2," reported the Ukrainian Front account on platform X. Despite its brevity, the ...
Saltzman said the Space Force categorizes adversarial space weapons in six categories—three that are space-based and three ...
The kit in question, the Digital GPS Anti-Jam Receiver, or DIGAR, is sold by BAE Systems and was originally intended for air ...
It showed how they brought down a Russian maneuvering missile using a Browning M2 heavy machine gun. The attacker's weapon ...
Here’s What You Need to Remember: The Biho II revolves around a modular turret, which can mount a 3D radar, an electro-optical sensor, and an additional tracking radar. From marketing materials,..
FGM-148 Javelin: The Javelin anti-tank missile system, manufactured by Raytheon ... 50 caliber machine gun or MK-19, and a 40mm grenade launcher, all of which are remote-controlled from inside ...
What the press now calls the French “rocket-gun coast” continued to get a dramatic pasting from Allied bombers. Rocket guns may or may not have been the bombers’ targets. But London buzzed ...
fire-and-forget missile designed to destroy anti-ship cruise missiles and asymmetric air and surface threats. The RIM-116 RAM was developed as a cooperative program between the U.S. and German ...
Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport signed the first contract on the delivery of Pantsyr-S1M anti-aircraft missile/gun systems at the Army 2021 international arms show on August 25.