Protecting remaining strongholds and minimising human impacts on food sources will be crucial to avoiding further population ...
Southern elephant seals are the "canary in the coal mine" for the Southern Ocean, offering insight into how the ecosystem may ...
Penguin poop is stinky but useful. In Antarctica, the birds’ nutrient-rich guano allows mosses and other organisms to ...
New ancient DNA research on Adélie penguin poo in Antarctica shows how several species respond to environmental change over ...
a remote island in the South Atlantic known for its populations of penguins and elephant seals. The "mega-berg," as some call ...
"Although these seals no longer breed on the Antarctic mainland, we now have evidence to indicate they once did more than ...
"Ancient sedimentary DNA recovered from Adelie penguin colonies allowed us to detect the presence of other local species through time, including a range of birds, seals and invertebrates," said lead ...
A team from EL PAÍS joins the Spanish expedition which has detected the spread of deadly avian flu among Antarctic fauna ...
Researchers conclude that Adélie penguins took over the Antarctic habits of seals when sea ice started to expand around 1,400 ...
South Georgia has been in the headlines after the world's largest iceberg ran aground off its coast amid concerns it could ...