Judy Friday is a contemporary American landscape painter whose practice focuses on depicting large bodies of water. Taking the Connecticut River and the Long Island Sound as inspiration, she ...
Albert Bierstadt was a German-American painter best known for his grandiose landscapes of the 19th-century American West. Born on January 7, 1830 in Solingen, Prussia, Bierstadt's family immigrated to ...
Her scholarly publications are on a wide range of topics: nineteenth century American landscape painters; Maurice Prendergast; art and commerce at the turn of the century in New York; Georgia O ...
This thought-provoking, if disjointed, exhibition explores how evolving political, ecological and social issues have shaped artists’ representations of the world around them.
"I'm always interested in an antagonistic female," said Samantha Joy Groff, whose paintings are situated in and inspired by the rural southeastern Pennsylvania landscape in which she grew up.