Such is the case with this 3D-printed compressed air engine, which just keeps getting better. The design has changed a lot since we first covered [Tom Stanton]’s attempts at reviving the ...
For your model plane he selects a cylinder and squashes ... there are two options - either open the design in a games engine or 3D print it. In this video Conánn demonstrates the former of ...
Among the investors was André-Hubert Roussel, former CEO of ArianeGroup, who oversaw the development of Europe’s only ...
Emoscopes, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons To understand [Integza]’s engine, a quick explanation of Turbojet engines is helpful. Just like any other internal combustion engine, air is ...
Beehive says it can make high-performance jet engines twice as fast for half the cost, modernizing the U.S. military's air defense ... Laboratory's expertise in 3D printing, referred to in ...