Pallassana is a village and gram panchayat in the Palakkad District, state of Kerala, India. It is close to Kollengode Town and Koduvayur and beside the river Gayatri, one of the tributaries of Bharatapuza. It is primarily notable for being the location of the Meenkulathi Temple. Pallassana is a known hub of artists of various folklore like Kanyarkali and Porattukal…Pallassana is a village and gram panchayat in the Palakkad District, state of Kerala, India. It is close to Kollengode Town and Koduvayur and beside the river Gayatri, one of the tributaries of Bharatapuza. It is primarily notable for being the location of the Meenkulathi Temple. Pallassana is a known hub of artists of various folklore like Kanyarkali and Porattukali etc. Late Dwaraka Krishnan Kongassery Asaan and his contemporaries are remembered worldwide for their talented dedication to the art form. Pallassana is also famous for having percussion artists. There are genius talents like Late Padmanabha Marar, Late Kalamandalam Chandra Mannadiar and many next generation artists.